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Kevin Nguyen

Kevin Nguyen

Features Editor

Kevin Nguyen is the features editor at The Verge. Previously, he was an editor at GQ.

Evil does not exist, but a new trailer does.

Ryûsuke Hamaguchi’s follow-up to Drive My Car was one of my favorites out of last year’s New York Film Festival. Fellow Hamaguchi-heads can see it when it comes to theaters May 3rd.

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We’re throwing a p̶a̶r̶t̶y̶ funeral for Twitter.

If you’re in the New York area on Monday, April 1st, we’ll be celebrating author (and Verge alum) Zoë Schiffer’s new book Extremely Hardcore. Tickets come with a hardcover and a drink. Space is limited, so sign up fast.

Why is the Department of Justice suing Apple?

For a fast and clear explanation, deputy editor Alex Cranz spells out the antitrust lawsuit filed today in just under five minutes.

Behind Ryuichi Sakamoto’s last performance

The legendary Japanese composer wanted to record his final concert. So he asked his son, Neo Sora, to direct it.

TinyLetter, in memoriam

In remembrance of the humblest newsletter service and its brief run nurturing great personal writing on the internet.

Do you understand this tweet?

If not, read this and then this and come back.

Everyone is talking about Sora.

So impressive!

It’s hardcore Tuesday.

Zoë Schiffer’s Extremely Hardcore: Inside Elon Musk’s Twitter, expanded from her extraordinary reporting at Platformer and The Verge, is out today. There’s an excerpt in Vanity Fair, and a glowing review in the Washington Post. The book is available wherever you like to buy books!

The food movie to end all food movies.

The Taste of Things, one of our favorite films of 2023, finally makes its way into limited release this weekend — and just in time for the most romantic holiday of the year. (By which I mean Lunar New Year, of course.)